
Life coach (m/w/d)

ab sofort

10115 Berlin


My name is John Rapo. As an independent life coach, I successfully support people in realizing their full potential and giving their lives a new direction. I listen, make the problems and concerns that stand in your way tangible and help to develop new perspectives. Together we will find your very personal path to more success, satisfaction and strength. As a coach with certified coaching training, I see it as my calling to help people do more with themselves and their lives. I started my own business in 2007 and since then have been traveling around the world - wherever I am needed. I offer coaching for prospective students/managers as well as for a better work-life balance. Talk to me about your wishes!


A Life Coach works with clients to improve the quality of their lives. They do this by helping them identify what they are passionate about and how best to utilize those skills in a career or relationship that aligns with their passions and strengths.


What skills should a life coach have?

It involves four main components: self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and social skills. Emotional intelligence helps you as a life coach to be aware of your own feelings, biases, and triggers, as well as those of your client.

