krisenchat is a psychosocial counseling service in German for children and young people up to 25 years of age via Whatsapp, SMS, 24/7.
krisenchat Ukrainian extends this offer to people of all ages who are affected by the war in Ukraine and need counseling in Ukrainian or Russian.
We are not a long-term therapy, but see ourselves as a crisis intervention. Professional counselors offer an empathic, open ear to discuss with the affected people in a solution-oriented way what they can do to support in that exact moment.
Sometimes it helps to simply share the experience with someone or to talk about one's feelings. Chat exercises for dealing with anxiety and panic attacks as well as regulation of stress are available to the counselors in an online toolbox and counselors are encouraged to use those in their chats.
We built up a network of resources with practical information, especially for children and young adults.
We organize ourselves via Slack - an app/website where only people involved in the project can communicate. A professional counseling team is available in the background for questions and training for chat counseling, intervision and supervision. We are an appreciative and engaged community and help each other to constantly develop our services.
krisenchat was founded for the Corona pandemic and draws on experience from over 50,000 chat consultations.
We are looking for motivated Ukrainian and/or Russian speaking interns who are interested in supporting krisenchat Ukrainian in our journey with a minimum of 15 hours per week for at least 8 weeks. Since we are a platform for psychological counseling, this position is highly applicable for psychology students.
If you are interested in becoming an intern at krisenchat Ukrainian, please apply here with a short motivation letter, stating your wished starting date and availability, and CV.
krisenchat values diversity. We encourage all interested people, regardless of national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, to apply to us. We look forward to meeting you!
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